A Festive Wind


A village square. Some musicians. A preparation. A bird. Competitions. A stain on a uniform. Then the feast.


Marjolaine Perreten

Born in 1990 in Lausanne, Marjolaine studied multimedia design at ERACOM in Lausanne (Switzerland) from 2009 to 2012, and then learnt animation all by herself, through internships. After working at Nadasdy Film (Geneva, Switzerland), for the animation director Marcel Barelli («Gypaetus Helveticus», «Vigia»), she has been admitted in 2013 at the school La Poudrière in Valence, France. She is currently working at Nadasdy Film as an animation film director.



Director:Marjolaine Perreten
2016 / Switzerland, France / 0:09:50